2024-04-24 15:16:00 +00:00
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fill: #cdf;
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<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
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2024-04-24 15:20:28 +00:00
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2024-04-24 15:16:00 +00:00
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<g transform= "translate(28, 136)" class= "key keypos-10" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(196, 100)" class= "key keypos-13" >
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<g transform= "translate(252, 108)" class= "key keypos-14" >
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<g transform= "translate(476, 100)" class= "key keypos-16" >
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<g transform= "translate(532, 84)" class= "key keypos-17" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(644, 136)" class= "key keypos-19" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
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<g transform= "translate(28, 192)" class= "key keypos-20" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(84, 157)" class= "key keypos-21" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(140, 140)" class= "key keypos-22" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(196, 156)" class= "key keypos-23" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(252, 164)" class= "key keypos-24" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(420, 164)" class= "key keypos-25" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<use href= "#mdi:keyboard-return" xlink:href= "#mdi:keyboard-return" x= "-7" y= "-11" height= "14" width= "14.0" class= "key tap glyph mdi:keyboard-return" />
<g transform= "translate(476, 156)" class= "key keypos-26" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > HOME</text>
<g transform= "translate(532, 140)" class= "key keypos-27" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Page</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > Down</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(588, 157)" class= "key keypos-28" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Page</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > Up</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(644, 192)" class= "key keypos-29" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > END</text>
<g transform= "translate(224, 238)" class= "key held keypos-30" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key held side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key held" />
<g transform= "translate(280, 252)" class= "key trans keypos-31" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key trans side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
<use href= "#mdi:chevron-down" xlink:href= "#mdi:chevron-down" x= "-7" y= "-11" height= "14" width= "14.0" class= "key trans tap glyph mdi:chevron-down" />
<g transform= "translate(392, 252)" class= "key trans keypos-32" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key trans side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
<use href= "#mdi:chevron-down" xlink:href= "#mdi:chevron-down" x= "-7" y= "-11" height= "14" width= "14.0" class= "key trans tap glyph mdi:chevron-down" />
<g transform= "translate(448, 238)" class= "key keypos-33" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > winnav</text>
<g transform= "translate(30, 1008)" class= "layer-winnav" >
<text x= "0" y= "28" class= "label" > winnav:</text>
<g transform= "translate(0, 56)" >
<g transform= "translate(28, 80)" class= "key keypos-0" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(84, 45)" class= "key keypos-1" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 7</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(140, 28)" class= "key keypos-2" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 8</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(196, 44)" class= "key keypos-3" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 9</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(252, 52)" class= "key keypos-4" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(420, 52)" class= "key keypos-5" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > BT</text>
<text x= "0" y= "24" class= "key hold" > 0</text>
<g transform= "translate(476, 44)" class= "key keypos-6" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > BT</text>
<text x= "0" y= "24" class= "key hold" > 1</text>
<g transform= "translate(532, 28)" class= "key keypos-7" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > BT</text>
<text x= "0" y= "24" class= "key hold" > 2</text>
<g transform= "translate(588, 45)" class= "key keypos-8" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > BT</text>
<text x= "0" y= "24" class= "key hold" > 3</text>
<g transform= "translate(644, 80)" class= "key keypos-9" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > BT</text>
<text x= "0" y= "24" class= "key hold" > 4</text>
<g transform= "translate(28, 136)" class= "key keypos-10" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(84, 101)" class= "key keypos-11" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 4</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(140, 84)" class= "key keypos-12" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 5</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(196, 100)" class= "key keypos-13" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 6</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(252, 108)" class= "key keypos-14" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(420, 108)" class= "key keypos-15" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(476, 100)" class= "key keypos-16" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > D</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(532, 84)" class= "key keypos-17" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > N</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(588, 101)" class= "key keypos-18" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > P</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(644, 136)" class= "key keypos-19" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(28, 192)" class= "key keypos-20" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(84, 157)" class= "key keypos-21" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 1</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(140, 140)" class= "key keypos-22" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 2</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(196, 156)" class= "key keypos-23" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 3</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(252, 164)" class= "key keypos-24" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > Gui+</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > 0</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(420, 164)" class= "key keypos-25" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(476, 156)" class= "key keypos-26" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<g transform= "translate(532, 140)" class= "key keypos-27" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > BT</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > NXT</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(588, 157)" class= "key keypos-28" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > BT</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > PRV</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(644, 192)" class= "key keypos-29" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" >
<tspan x= "0" dy= "-0.6em" > BT</tspan> <tspan x= "0" dy= "1.2em" > CLR</tspan>
<g transform= "translate(224, 238)" class= "key held keypos-30" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key held side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key held" />
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(392, 252)" class= "key trans keypos-32" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key trans side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(448, 238)" class= "key held keypos-33" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key held side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key held" />
<g transform= "translate(30, 1344)" class= "layer-num" >
<text x= "0" y= "28" class= "label" > num:</text>
<g transform= "translate(0, 56)" >
<g transform= "translate(28, 80)" class= "key trans keypos-0" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key trans side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(84, 45)" class= "key keypos-1" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(140, 28)" class= "key keypos-2" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(196, 44)" class= "key keypos-3" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(252, 52)" class= "key keypos-4" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > *</text>
<g transform= "translate(420, 52)" class= "key keypos-5" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > %</text>
<g transform= "translate(476, 44)" class= "key trans keypos-6" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(532, 28)" class= "key trans keypos-7" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key trans side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(588, 45)" class= "key trans keypos-8" >
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<g transform= "translate(644, 80)" class= "key trans keypos-9" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(28, 136)" class= "key keypos-10" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > -</text>
<g transform= "translate(84, 101)" class= "key keypos-11" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > 4</text>
<g transform= "translate(140, 84)" class= "key keypos-12" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > 5</text>
<g transform= "translate(196, 100)" class= "key keypos-13" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > 6</text>
<g transform= "translate(252, 108)" class= "key keypos-14" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > +</text>
<g transform= "translate(420, 108)" class= "key keypos-15" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > EQL</text>
<g transform= "translate(476, 100)" class= "key keypos-16" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
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<g transform= "translate(532, 84)" class= "key keypos-17" >
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<g transform= "translate(84, 157)" class= "key keypos-21" >
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<g transform= "translate(140, 140)" class= "key keypos-22" >
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<g transform= "translate(196, 156)" class= "key keypos-23" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
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<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > 3</text>
<g transform= "translate(252, 164)" class= "key keypos-24" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > /</text>
<g transform= "translate(420, 164)" class= "key trans keypos-25" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(476, 156)" class= "key trans keypos-26" >
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<g transform= "translate(532, 140)" class= "key trans keypos-27" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(588, 157)" class= "key trans keypos-28" >
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<g transform= "translate(644, 192)" class= "key trans keypos-29" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key trans" />
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<g transform= "translate(224, 238)" class= "key keypos-30" >
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<g transform= "translate(280, 252)" class= "key keypos-31" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
<text x= "0" y= "-4" class= "key tap" > fun</text>
<g transform= "translate(392, 252)" class= "key held keypos-32" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key held side" />
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<g transform= "translate(448, 238)" class= "key trans keypos-33" >
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<g transform= "translate(30, 1680)" class= "layer-fun" >
<text x= "0" y= "28" class= "label" > fun:</text>
<g transform= "translate(0, 56)" >
<g transform= "translate(28, 80)" class= "key keypos-0" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(140, 28)" class= "key keypos-2" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(196, 44)" class= "key keypos-3" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(252, 52)" class= "key keypos-4" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(140, 84)" class= "key keypos-12" >
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<g transform= "translate(196, 100)" class= "key keypos-13" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(252, 108)" class= "key keypos-14" >
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<g transform= "translate(140, 140)" class= "key keypos-22" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(196, 156)" class= "key keypos-23" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(252, 164)" class= "key keypos-24" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(532, 140)" class= "key keypos-27" >
<rect rx= "6" ry= "6" x= "-26" y= "-26" width= "52" height= "52" class= "key side" />
<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(588, 157)" class= "key keypos-28" >
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<rect rx= "4" ry= "4" x= "-20" y= "-24" width= "40" height= "40" class= "key" />
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<g transform= "translate(644, 192)" class= "key keypos-29" >
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<g transform= "translate(30, 2016)" class= "layer-mods" >
<text x= "0" y= "28" class= "label" > mods:</text>
<g transform= "translate(0, 56)" >
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